Month: October 2022

Scientific American: One of the Biggest Problems in Biology Has Finally Been Solved

Really interesting read on the connection between game theory and AI-assisted biology. “Google DeepMind CEO Demis Hassabis explains how its AlphaFold AI program predicted the 3-D structure of every known protein”

In case of a “weird pipe mishap”…

My latest work order: “The pipes in Office 003 are making the strangest noise. It’s not consistent, but if I can capture it on my phone, I will. Normally there’s a gurgle here and a hiss there, but this sounds like something out of this world. I would like to not be the victim of some weird pipe mishap. Granted, as I’m writing this, the …

My Unofficial Teaching Philosophy

There was a video get-together for the launch of a fiction anthology that I have a story in. It was a little awkward for me since I didn’t know anyone, but someone asked me about teaching freshman composition and here’s my 3.5 minute response (Starts at 53:34 if the video link doesn’t work properly): This was also posted on Facebook.