Tag: Just Sayin

Just say… wait?

The fact that articles like this don’t refer to Nancy Reagan as an activist is how well conservatives have fooled everyone into thinking that what they do isn’t radical or activism. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/21/opinion/rosalynn-carter-first-lady-politics.html

Twitter doesn’t deserve my hot takes anymore…

Twitter post by @011scenes: “there’s no stranger things without her sorry” Well, yes and no. While 11 is the catalyst for much of the overall plot – the writers can’t seem to have the character do anything besides scowl, stretch out an arm, and grimace until her nose bleeds black. Sure, Stranger Things doesn’t exist without her (narratively and well, literally, I suppose) but Stranger …

Name a thriller where a woman isn’t the one in peril…

There’s got to be a few, right? I’m not saying there’s not, but anything? Sometimes research takes you in weird places. Honestly, I’m taking notes on Stephen Spielberg’s 2005 War of the Worlds and in disagreeing with a scholar’s opinion — well, part of the opinion, or actually the way the opinion was stated, fine, I didn’t like the tone of the opinion, okay??– I …