Tag Archives: Star Trek

Scotty from Star Trek IV trying to talk to a 1986 computer by speaking into the bottom of a mouse controller.

Week of Jan 20th: Pipes, clutter, and beyond

HBon Mot of the Week:

Memes let us feel informed, smart, and exclusive. Unfortunately, they have made trolling the new civic discourse resulting in people not taking pOliTicS seriously.

This week our pipes froze (old house and forgetful me) and a family member came home from the hospital which upped my caretaking duties. Thankfully I have a lot of help from my sibling and mental support from my best friend, so outside of some sore muscles and bad time management, we’re mostly okay.

Currently reading: Murder in the Crooked House by Soji Shimada, trans. by Louis Heal Kawai

How’s the writing going: Just drips in the dinosaur chapter these last two weeks, but I’m prioritizing film watching and will make much more headway. Will have this chapter done by the end of the semester!

How’s the teaching going: Due to caretaking duties, I’ve taken a leave of absence this semester, but I am able to still work in the Writing Center (which is good since my school loan payments will start soon.) I’ve already got my first appointment lined up. Writing Center work is part of my core values and one of the main reasons I finally found value in myself. If we ever have coffee together and you ask me about how it affected my life, prepare for my eyes to water a bit. That’s how awesome the Writing Center is. GO!

Links to the past week:

  • First and foremost: Trans People Need You To Step-Up
  • I’m slowly working my way through The Oxygen of Amplification by Whitney Phillips, but just having the phrase “leveraged trolling” in my head while reading nearly anything from the traditional media makes it a bit easier to not fall into the cyclical outrage that propelled us across the 2017-COVID.
  • I was reading the post, 3 Aspects of Managing the Clutter-Tidiness Continuum by Jane Friedman and I had a revelation: What if the continual switching between apps and systems isn’t just about indecision or procrastination, but a need to declutter in some way? We forget how our environment affects us.
  • Every Star Trek Movie Ranked I would put Star Trek IV up higher, but I’m biased to TOS and TNG, to be honest. I haven’t had time to watch any of the new series. I loved Deep Space Nine and my father was a big fan of Voyage (which I should watch.) Let me know if there’s a series from the last 10 years I should skip.

I Heard a Boomer…

  • Random dude at Dr. office: “You mean the girls didn’t make you coffee?” Followed by a friendly chuckle. You know the kind.

Alternate featured image:

“Kajit has wares, if blue man has coin.”