hbflyte.com in 2025

Ha! Nice try!

I know better than to announce promises, resolutions, or plans in the hopes of keeping me accountable. When I fail by my own definition, it’s just easy to walk away for many months and then come back like nothing ever happened. I ghost myself all the time.

Oh! Try again!

I find myself wanting to write (or comment) on topical items I’ve read. Some of them political1, others about my research areas,, or even more just about some of the things I enjoy. I’ve put these in any number of social media feeds over the last ten, fifteen years and, well, I don’t get much engagement anywhere.

But, Heather, do you want engagement?

Nope. Not really. I don’t have comments enabled on my posts anymore because I was tired of deleting spam comments and paying for a service that didn’t catch all the spam comments, just to keep the space clear for the one or two comments I would get. So I’m keeping comments off for now. I reserve the right to do whatever the heck I want with them in the future.

You can @ me at Bluesky or Threads if you feel a burning need to engage.

The actual issue at hand

I am challenging myself this year to write a long-form essay each month. I’m not planning on posting anything too academic here, though there will always be slippage, but I’ve had some ideas bouncing around for a while and I’d like to get them out of my head.

Also, it’s a form that I want to be more comfortable producing on a regular basis. No, I’m not actually going to launch my Substack (or am I?) but I would like to have an archive of writing that shows my own growth as a writer and all-around human being.

I may even post some old…like really old posts from hbflyte.com of old. Gathering dust in some area of my office is every single hard drive from every single computer I’ve owned since 2002. It’s a shame I don’t still have my old Win 95 computer, but to be fair, I think we’re all better off not knowing what I got up to back then.

That’s all I have for now. I will probably have another post next week talking about what I might do. I have some other writing to do before I work on my first essay.

Have a comment? @ me =>

  1. Everything is political. You know that.

h.b. flyte

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