Category: currently reading

  • The original ponzi scheme

    Former pastor charged with crypto scheme in which he stole $5.9 million from his former congregantsMolly White | Web 3 is Going Just Great Look, y’all tried making crypto a thing for everyone else at that one Superb Owl and then the fuzzy guy burned your shit down. I’m not saying take a seat, but get…

  • We are eternally ephemeral

    Required Reading: How to disappear completelyS.E. Smith | The Verge “Every digital media format, from the Bernoulli Box to the racks of servers slowly boiling the planet, is ultimately doomed to obsolescence as it’s supplanted by the next innovation, with even the Library of Congress struggling to preserve digital archives.”

  • It’s about subsidies and access, actually

    Food firms sued for allegedly marketing “addictive” products to kidsRebecca Falconer | Axios This is really interesting and I’m hoping that this brings the discussion about improving access to quality foods for all Americans. I think we need to revamp our nutritional education – particularly when politicians spend time trolling with Big Gulps during speeches.…

  • Was that a diss on the tote bags, pal?

    Defunding NPR and PBS is more real than everSam Klebanov | Morning Brew I’m new to the Morning Brew newsletter/writing and I’m not sure who I feel about the tone (not policing, just expressing preference.) Nothing wrong with being serious about the news, y’all.