Category: currently reading
The original ponzi scheme
Former pastor charged with crypto scheme in which he stole $5.9 million from his former congregantsMolly White | Web 3 is Going Just Great Look, y’all tried making crypto a thing for everyone else at that one Superb Owl and then the fuzzy guy burned your shit down. I’m not saying take a seat, but get…
It’s about subsidies and access, actually
Food firms sued for allegedly marketing “addictive” products to kidsRebecca Falconer | Axios This is really interesting and I’m hoping that this brings the discussion about improving access to quality foods for all Americans. I think we need to revamp our nutritional education – particularly when politicians spend time trolling with Big Gulps during speeches.…
Was that a diss on the tote bags, pal?
Defunding NPR and PBS is more real than everSam Klebanov | Morning Brew I’m new to the Morning Brew newsletter/writing and I’m not sure who I feel about the tone (not policing, just expressing preference.) Nothing wrong with being serious about the news, y’all.