Author: h.b. flyte

  • The original ponzi scheme

    Former pastor charged with crypto scheme in which he stole $5.9 million from his former congregantsMolly White | Web 3 is Going Just Great Look, y’all tried making crypto a thing for everyone else at that one Superb Owl and then the fuzzy guy burned your shit down. I’m not saying take a seat, but get…

  • We are eternally ephemeral

    Required Reading: How to disappear completelyS.E. Smith | The Verge “Every digital media format, from the Bernoulli Box to the racks of servers slowly boiling the planet, is ultimately doomed to obsolescence as it’s supplanted by the next innovation, with even the Library of Congress struggling to preserve digital archives.”

  • It’s about subsidies and access, actually

    Food firms sued for allegedly marketing “addictive” products to kidsRebecca Falconer | Axios This is really interesting and I’m hoping that this brings the discussion about improving access to quality foods for all Americans. I think we need to revamp our nutritional education – particularly when politicians spend time trolling with Big Gulps during speeches.…

  • Was that a diss on the tote bags, pal?

    Defunding NPR and PBS is more real than everSam Klebanov | Morning Brew I’m new to the Morning Brew newsletter/writing and I’m not sure who I feel about the tone (not policing, just expressing preference.) Nothing wrong with being serious about the news, y’all.

  • in 2025

    I know better than to announce promises, resolutions, or plans in the hopes of keeping me accountable. When I fail by my own definition, it’s just easy to walk away for many months and then come back like nothing ever happened. I ghost myself all the time.

  • Neither rain, nor snow…well maybe some snow

    Trump eyes privatizing United States Postal Service during second termGuardian staff | The Guardian If you can’t steal their vote at the ballot box, make sure they never get the ballot in the first place.

  • New meaning to bringing home the gold

    As the Olympics Approach, Los Angeles Considers Crackdown on Illegal Vacation RentalsRobin Urevich | Capital & Main, ProPublica I would argue that there is no longer (and hasn’t been for a long while) actual disruption in tech but just ways to monetize every aspect of your life. This incentivizes a life of nothing but profit…

  • Please hire me to tell you what you want to hear

    Why does McKinsey still get hired?Peter O’Toole | The Guardian “So why does McKinsey still get hired? Because it sells what business wants.” McKinsey first came into my knowledge base after hearing Ed Zitron rail against their many, many, many implants in the tech world on his podcast, Better Offline. But after reading this short…

  • Dear Matt Yglesias, YTA

    Matt Yglesias is Confidently Wrong About EverythingNathan J. Robinson | Current Affairs “Setting aside the question of whether Yglesias is persuaded by the ICJ case against Israel, this is the attitude of an asshole.” I used to enjoy Yglesias during the early days of The Weeds podcast, but overtime he became insufferable, or, more probably,…

  • It’s hard to argue with the apathy, mostly.

    ‘What a circus’: eligible US voters on why they didn’t vote in the 2024 presidential electionJedidajah Otte | The Guardian “What is the point [of voting]?,” he asked. “Aside from a handful of weaponized issues, the parties are nearly identical. They both hate the poor and serve only their donors.” No lies detected. Some of…

  • Did Oprah need another million dollars?

    How Much of the Harris Campaign Was a Scam?Nathan J. Robinson | Current Affairs “…in Philadelphia, many of the field offices “were filthy and lacked basic supplies like tables, chairs, cleaning products and printers, staff members said,” with city campaign staffers “being forced to raid the campaign’s better-stocked suburban offices or to raise money independently.””

  • Messaging to the middle loses every time

    Democrats Lost the Propaganda WarRyan Cooper | The American Prospect “Lord knows there are plenty of unemployed journalists willing to work. Sample subscriptions could be handed out en masse, and revenue bolstered by directing liberal advertisements their way. A dozen such papers could be run for half a decade with maybe a tenth of what liberals spent on 2024…

  • The importance of your own online place

    For The Love of God, Make Your Own WebsiteGita Jackson | Aftermath “Unfortunately, this is what all of the internet is right now: social media, owned by large corporations that make changes to them to limit or suppress your speech, in order to make themselves more attractive to advertisers or just pursue their owners’ ends.”

  • I made the mistake of adding tech feeds to my RSS …

    As I’ve reinstated my tech RSS feeds, I find myself getting more and more suspicious about the proliferation of AI.

  • My commute is killing me, maybe

    I talk to myself. Not just muttering, but full on conversations with, well, no one. If you could listen in, it would sound like I was talking to someone, because I pause and react and laugh and the invisible person in my passenger seat.

  • The plight of the digital hoarder

    Reading Charlie Warzel’s latest article in The Atlantic brought up one of those situations that I’ve had in the back of my mind. You know the one that sometimes rears up and says “halloo” and you’re like, “Yes, that’s something I should do something about, or consider more thoughtfully,” right before you’re distracted with taxes…

  • What am I even doing anymore?

    I haven’t had an idea for a post in a while. I’ve been writing, not necessarily the things I’m supposed to be writing, but writing nonetheless. I have a year’s worth of short bits in my journal that have given me a new outlook on my life. I don’t change much, really. I think that…

  • Just say… wait?

    The fact that articles like this don’t refer to Nancy Reagan as an activist is how well conservatives have fooled everyone into thinking that what they do isn’t radical or activism.

  • Shouts from the top of the Ivory Tower

    Certainly, not all students wear these moral blinders. But the fact* that many students do, and that they are at some of the nation’s leading colleges and universities, should be a cause for profound concern across higher education. -Ezekiel J. Emanuel  “Hamas and the Moral Deficiencies of a Liberal Education – The New York Times“…